If you are a business person or manager looking to immigrate to Canada, the Canadian federal and provincial governments offer a number of options that may allow you to fast-track the Canadian immigration process.
Business Class immigration also seeks to develop new commercial opportunities in Canada and to improve Canada’s access to growing foreign markets
by welcoming foreign nationals who are familiar with those markets and their unique requirements and customs.
Through Canada’s Business Class immigration programs, Canada aims to attract individuals that have a significant ability to contribute to the
Canadian economy. These programs are offered with the goal of promoting economic development and bettering the job market by attracting
investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed professionals from outside of Canada with available venture capital, significant business acumen, and
entrepreneurial skills.
If If this option sounds well-suited to your experience and goals, there are several immigration pathways from which to choose. For example, depending on where you plan to reside, you may choose to apply through the federal programs or under the programs offered by a particular province, such as the Quebec Business Immigration programs.
Give us a call or Contact us (info@caninvisas.com) for free Assessment of your Application. and we will be pleased to discuss your Business Class immigration options with you.Available Business Immigration programs
This program allows Canadian….. Immigrate to Canada on Start-up Visa or as Self-employed person. This program allows individuals to get permanent residency in Canada. If you want to invest or start a business in North America, Canada is your best choice. Reach out to use for more information.
Individuals with a certain net worth and business management experience who plan to run a business in Canada may be able to submit an application
With funding and support from a designated Canadian investment organization, individuals with a plan for a unique business may be able to acquire this visa.
These programs allow self-employed individuals with significant experience in certain trades and professions to make an application for Canadian immigration.